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Temps de lecture : 3 minutes

Skincare during Cancer Treatment

After successfully beating Lymphoma, a skincare and beauty professional decided to act and seek to find more ways to help people feel and look their best. That is when she founded Immunocolgie. Immunocologie is a …

Temps de lecture : 5 minutes

Humanitarian involvment: highly therapeutic!

When we think of well-being, we think of the elevation of the spirit, relaxation, consciousness, and overall health, but do we forget the essentials? At the base of Maslow's pyramid are basic needs. That so …

Temps de lecture : 3 minutes

The role of proteins

  Proteins are essentials for building muscle tissue and they are the basic material for the growth of cells in our body. If our food and energy are satisfactory, the molecule mTOR gives the signal to …

Temps de lecture : 3 minutes

Porridge bowl with a delicious persimmon smoothie

  The persimmon superfood is rich of beta carotene and B vitamines that protect the cells from oxidative stress and strengthen the immune system. Especially the fruits of autumn and winter contain high levels of beta …

Temps de lecture : 2 minutes

Why is sleep so important for your health ?

  Sleep is important for …        Your Waste Clearance & Immune System The glymphatic system is the brain’s dedicated waste clearance system. Glial cells protect, nourish, insulate neurons and play a role in the immune system. Your …

Temps de lecture : 3 minutes

Spring on your plate: Desert or Breakfast with mango, coconut yogurt, and buckwheat flakes

The beginning of Spring is like a new beginning, body and mind now need lighter and more vitamin-rich food to let the severity of the winter behind us. A desert or breakfast with mango, coconut yogurt, …