World Wellness Weekend 19-20-21 Sept 2025 #WorldWellnessWeekend #WellnessForAll #WellnessWeekend
Wellness starts with “WE”, not “ME”.
World Wellness Weekend creates massive ripple effects to positively impact the lives of millions of people, near and far. You, too, can contribute to a WELL WORLD by taking the WWW Wellness Pledge:
- Decide on your wellness objective (e.g. reach your ideal weight, be active more often, be more flexible to prevent back pain, manage stress better).
- Ask one of your friends or colleagues to become your Wellness Buddy (e.g. attend regular fitness or yoga classes, walk or run together).
- Each week, put some money in a « wellness jar » or a piggy bank (e.g. the equivalent value of sugary snacks you manage not to buy & eat, or cigarettes you succeeded not to buy & smoke.)

Did you know that:
- On World Wellness Weekend, you will celebrate the achievement of your personal goal. See how much money you put aside, and decide to donate it to a local charity or an NGO of your choice.
With each WWW Wellness Pledge, two wellness buddies will be better able to reach their wellness objectives. The money they will save will be donated to people who lack clean water, food, education.
Each of us can upgrade our personal lifestyle, become a better version of ourselves, and touch positively many lives. For instance, 10 USD may buy a pack of sugary snacks or a pack of cigarettes… more importantly, it can feed & school a child in Calcutta for two weeks!
- Obesity worldwide more than doubled between 1980 and 2014.
- Life expectancy in Europe is 83.3 years (Women) & 77.8 years (Men), while Health expectancy is on average 62 years (Women) & 61.3 years (Men).
- Chronic diseases (heart, stroke, cancer, diabetes…) killed prematurely 35 million people in 2010 (1 person died every 0.9 seconds).
- Half of 25-45 year-olds complain that they do not sleep enough (which impacts obesity and diabetes).
- Between 2013 & 2018, Europeans NOT practising ANY physical activity/sport increased from 42 to 46%.
- 75% of health expenses are wasted on diseases that are caused by our poor choices (Richard Carmona, 17th Surgeon General – GWS Singapore Oct 2019).