World Wellness Weekend 19-20-21 Sept 2025 #WorldWellnessWeekend #WellnessForAll #WellnessWeekend
Pillar 2
Trouble keeping an eye on your nutrition? Healthy can be easy and savoury, boosting your energy and immunity. It is time to check what has been on your plate lately…
Most people change their diet whenever they need to lose a few pounds, balanced nutrition is necessary for more than just getting your summer body ready. The human body is a complex system that needs to be treated with the proper nutrients. A diet deficient in vital nutrients will soon lead to unease and possibly disease. Healthy plates are essentials for your body’s cells, the growth and repair of your tissues, your immune system, the prevention of chronic diseases, and maintaining good mental health. Moreover, with potentially devastating effects on climate, nutrition is bound to be a hot topic for years to come.
It is commonly said that fats/lipids make you gain weight because a gram of lipid contains 9 kcals compared to a gram of protein or carbohydrates containing 4 kcals. However, it is essential to differentiate “saturated” and “trans fats” from the “unsaturated” ones. Learn more…
When we consume carbohydrates, the liver feeds itself and leaves the remainder to circulate in the blood to reach muscular cells and brain cells dependent on carbohydrates. The trick is to choose wisely the type of carbohydrates and in which quantity. Learn more…
Proteins are essentials for building muscle tissue. They are the basic material for the growth of cells in our body. If our food and energy are satisfactory, the molecule mTOR gives the signal to cells to grow. They grow, thicken, and divide themselves. Without proteins, there is no mTOR activity. Learn more…
Persimmons are sweet, fruity and well digestible and contain little fruit acid. Vitamin B strengthens the nerves, and their high beta carotene levels are significant for the skin and the eyes. Learn more and see the recipe…
That´s a vitamin-rich food combination to support the Immune system and strengthen the body’s immunity. Learn more and see the recipe…
The beginning of Spring is like a new beginning. Body and mind now need lighter and more vitamin-rich food to leave the severity of the winter behind us. Learn more and see the recipe…
After successfully beating Lymphoma, a skincare and beauty professional decided to act and seek to find more ways to help people feel and look their best. That is when she founded Immunocolgie. Immunocologie is a …
Fit Tip # 115 Up the Ante Did you know that our brains shrink over time? That explains it, some of you are thinking. The average 90-year-old has only half of the wiring they once had. …
Proteins are essentials for building muscle tissue and they are the basic material for the growth of cells in our body. If our food and energy are satisfactory, the molecule mTOR gives the signal to …