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Temps de lecture : 3 minutes

Skincare during Cancer Treatment

After successfully beating Lymphoma, a skincare and beauty professional decided to act and seek to find more ways to help people feel and look their best. That is when she founded Immunocolgie. Immunocologie is a …

Temps de lecture : 5 minutes

Brain health

Fit Tip # 115 Up the Ante   Did you know that our brains shrink over time? That explains it, some of you are thinking. The average 90-year-old has only half of the wiring they once had. …

Temps de lecture : 3 minutes

The role of proteins

  Proteins are essentials for building muscle tissue and they are the basic material for the growth of cells in our body. If our food and energy are satisfactory, the molecule mTOR gives the signal to …

Temps de lecture : 3 minutes

The myths behind fats & mindful eating

  The myths behind fats It is commonly said that fats / lipids make you gain weight because a gram of lipid contains 9 kcals compared to a gram of protein or carbohydrates that only contains 4 …

Temps de lecture : 3 minutes

A few tips to identify healthy carbohydrates

When we consume carbohydrates, the liver feeds itself and leaves the remainder circulate in the blood to reach muscular cells and brain cells which are very dependent on carbohydrates. The trick is to choosing wisely …

Temps de lecture : 3 minutes

How can «Mindfulness» improve your life and mental wellness ?

  Mental Wellness Meditation is NOT the only path towards Serenity. According to the Global Wellness Institute (2020),  consider four key dimensions if you want to significantly improve your mental wellness: Activity & Creativity: hobbies, curiosity, …

Temps de lecture : 3 minutes

Why is physical activity so important for your health and what are the recommendations ?

Why is it so important to be physically active? Obesity, which is linked with physical inactivity, has nearly tripled worldwide since 1975; 39% of adults are now overweight. Physical inactivity and obesity that directly contribute to …

Temps de lecture : 2 minutes

Why is sleep so important for your health ?

  Sleep is important for …        Your Waste Clearance & Immune System The glymphatic system is the brain’s dedicated waste clearance system. Glial cells protect, nourish, insulate neurons and play a role in the immune system. Your …

Temps de lecture : 2 minutes

Take good care of your Circadian Rhythm

Your body naturally follows a circadian rhythm of 24 hours. It is like an internal clock, that triggers and maintains your sleep. It is controlled by external factors (light or darkness) and internal ones like …

Temps de lecture : 4 minutes

How To Overcome Unwanted Emotional Responses Or Behaviors?

Do you meditate, practice yoga, eat healthily and exercise - but yet are still unable to quickly and completely overcome certain unwanted emotional responses or behaviors - no matter how hard you try? Perhaps you’re trying …

Temps de lecture : 7 minutes

Aggression and Anger in Menopause

We’re going to talk about another very common menopausal symptom and that’s aggression or anger, that just seems to have come from nowhere and you turn into some sort of She-Witch. It’s not a mental illness …

Temps de lecture : 7 minutes

9 Key Ways To Improve Sleep

Sleep is a necessity that often gets overlooked or compromised as more pressing matters—or worse yet, fearful thoughts—intervene. Quality sleep plays a vital role in maintaining good health. The average adult needs seven to eight …